'Mardi Gras' Carnival raises £10,000 for Radcliffe Charities & Community Groups
Radcliffe on Trent Carnival AGM 20th October 2016
At the Annual General Meeting of the Radcliffe on Trent Carnival cheques to value of £3,500 were distributed to local charities and community groups who gave their support on July 9th 2016.
The accounts presented at the meeting showed in addition that over £6,500 had been raised by stallholders and other activities on the day, all of which goes to support the running of local organisations within the community of Radcliffe on Trent.
Danny Brennan ( Chair of the Working Group) commented at the meeting that 'Every part of the community from the Playgroup to the U3A
got into the Carnival spirit and joined in with colour, dancing, music and enjoyment.'
He thanked everyone for their commitment ( even when it rained!) and mentioned the retailers and businesses of Radcliffe who decorated their windows with
lively Mardi Gras themes plus generously supporting with raffle prizes and donations.
The Carnival Working Group is a small number of local people
who organise the Radcliffe on Trent Carnival supported by lots of other
fantastic volunteers who show up on the day and just do great things.
To make next year's Carnival work really well we could really do with a few more folk who could help with marketing, organising the
entertainment, and a treasurer, (to name a few of our current skill
shortages). It is not a 'boring committee' and is actually great fun; so if you could
offer some assistance please email us at rotcarnival@gmail.com or message us on the Facebook page.
Please save
the date for next year’s Radcliffe on
Trent Carnival July 8th 2017